Monday, September 8, 2008

If you don't have anything good to say....

Mama always said, "If you don't have anything good to say... you know the rest." Well, the past few months I didn't have anything good to say. I left the glamorous world of NASCAR to persue an unknown career. After that, I spent a couple of weeks "finding myself." Then, I hit the ground running for a new career. Turned down quite a few, left a few interviews with idiots in persuit of the perfect job with the perfect company. Surprisingly enough, even on half the money each month, we managed to have more money in the bank each month than we did with me working full time. Damn that Starbucks!!! Anywho, at the end of my 3 month job search, my low budget lifestyle had to come to an end. Just when I was going to settle for a deadend job that had been offered....... enter Sirona Dental. I landed that job I was looking for all along. Big international company with relatively recession proof product line in the dental business and unlimited growth opportunities. Just when I was getting settled into this new job, the best event happened.... I found out that I was going to be a father. Today (9/8/08) we found out that we have an 8 week old peanut in the oven. It's funny how life can keep throwing crap at you, then everything falls into place at the blink of an eye. Looking forward, there's a lot to do to get ready for little what's his/her name. So, I had better stop writing and get to work.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Joining the 21st Century

Well, I have joined the 21st century with my first blog ever. As a currently unemployed, overweight, member of the middle class, I am proud to join your ranks and look forward to long lived life of riducule and resentment. As my fist act in this blogosphere, let me just say... HOLY CRAP, BRAD HAS A BABY!

It seems just yersterday that Brad was a fresh faced, mildly insane, bad influence on America's youth. Now he is responsible for a human life. God be with you my son. You'll no doubt be a fine dad today and a proud grandfather in 15 short years. The Mrs. and I look forward to seeing you guys on our way back from D.C. in a few weeks (hopefully).

As for me, I have an interview with a LXA Clemson founding father on Wednesday. If he does not give me a job that is beyond my skillset, education, and pay scale, I shall be forced to renounce my DO number and become a TKE like Elvis. I will let you all know if this happens.

In the meantime, think about all the times we cleaned up after each other in college for various reasons, and laugh at the thought of changing 1,000 diapers filled with similar substances. Thank you Brad for taking the plunge first.

Good day, Sir.